Friday, February 07, 2003

will be stuffing myself like nobody's business this weekend as my bf's parents, my mum and my uncles are all buying us dinner (on three different nights)

oh no.. every girls nightmare!

its especially embarrassing when we are at a buffet and someone innocently comments to me "you can eat quite alot hor *grin* cant tell ah?" and all i can murmur is a "issit.. heh.." with my face flushed :P

whassup with a girl who enjoys her food and makes her taste buds useful ;P

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

my luggage is bursting :P

cannot make it..

hope it stays intact..

Monday, February 03, 2003

i am strange.. whenever my bf buys something..anything for me.. i get this strange funny feeling.. a cocktail of guilt, happiness, fear mumbo jumbo..

i always (to his 'annoyment') try to dissuade him in buying it and its sometimes results in us arguing... my rational is that he is not working thus have not enough money to spend on himself..but his reasoning is that he only buys things when he has money (which as he says is not very often) so he tries his best to..

at the end of the day, he usually just takes the item and goes to the cashier :P

i know i should be thankful, grateful, happy etc etc..

but i still feel that funny feeling..

maybe things will change when he starts to work and earns his own dough..

Sunday, February 02, 2003

my bf and i were never quite fans of fann wong, but i believe that her up coming movie is worth our support :)

will be catching shanghai knights really soon ;)