Friday, August 02, 2002


ok..i am going to get all gadgety here.. so here are the things i would really like to have :P~

^ no just one :) i am not greedy lah.. hehe..

saw a girl post this as her 'signature': "i see, i like, i buy"

but for me..i think its "i see, i like....i see" :P

Thursday, August 01, 2002


test from debs's friend cindy's site:

My bumper sticker reads:

Take the quiz.

ahaha..the secret is out! i am a closet kinky girl..ahahahahahaha!

which reminds me..i have got to watch austin powers! forgive me but i dont think the show is for the cheesy... hey...there is enough seriousness in the world so whats wrong with 2 hours of kinky, goovy and quirky moves and lines?

hehe.. ok..i could not are his pick up lines..enjoy!

1. I wish you were a door so I could slam you all day long.

2. (Lick finger and wipe on her shirt)....Let's get you out of these wet clothes.

3. Nice legs...what time do they open?

4. Do you work for UPS? I thought I saw you checking out my package.

5. You've got 206 bones in your body, want one more?

6. Can I buy you a drink or do you just want the money?

7. I may not be the best looking guy in here, but I'm the only one talking to you.

8. I'm a bird watcher and I'm looking for a Big Breasted Bed Thrasher,have you seen one?

9. I'm fighting the urge to make you the happiest woman on Earth tonight.

10. Wanna play army? I'll lay down and you can blow the hell outta me.

11. I wish you were a Pony Carousel outside Superdrug, so I could ride you all day long for a quarter.

12. Oh, I'm sorry, I thought that was a braille name tag.

13. I'd really like to see how you look when I'm naked.

14. Is that a ladder in your stockings or the stairway to heaven?

15. You might not be the best looking girl here, but beauty is only a light switch away.

16. You must be the limp doctor because I've got a stiffy.

17. I'd walk a million miles for one of your smiles, and even farther for that thing you do with your tongue.

18. If it's true that we are what we eat, then I could be you by morning.

19. You know, if I were you, I'd have sex with me.

20. You. Me. Whipped cream. Handcuffs. Any questions?

21. F@# me if I'm wrong, but is your name Helga Titsbottom?

22. Those clothes would look great in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor.

23. My name is Austin ... remember that, you'll be screaming it later.

24. Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?

25. Hi, I'm Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me.

26. My friend wants to know if YOU think I'M cute."

27. Hi, the voices in my head told me to come over and talk to you.

28. My name isn't Elmo, but you can tickle me anytime you want to.

29. I know milk does a body good, but DAMN, how much have you been drinking?

30. If you were the last woman and I was the last man on earth, I bet we could do it in public.

31. Wanna come over for some pizza and sex? No? Why, don't you like pizza?

32. Baby, I'm an American Express shouldn't go home without me.

33. Do you sleep on your stomach? no..........? Can I???

34. Do you wash your pants in Windex because I can see myself in them.

35. I lost my puppy, can you help me find him? I think he went into this cheap motel room.

hope you have not fainted from the cheesiness :))

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

~first entry~

ahaha..not really..if you consider all that testing done below :] hehe.. goes! from deb's site!

1. [Spell your name backwards]: lyrek
2. [Where do you live?]: singapore
3. [Describe yourself in three words]: reserved, soft-hearted, stubborn
4. [Who is your worst enemy?]: the sun! or rather..uv rays..
5. [If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?]: a horse
6. [What is the latest you've ever stayed up?]: er..3am..
7. [Ever been to Belgium?]: nope..
8. [What's your favorite coin?]: the old and big singapore 50c coin

9. [Wallet]: white and longish..
10. [Brush]: looks like needles..the one from bodyshop..
11. [Toothbrush]: oral b :P
12. [Jewelry worn daily]: gold cross which is always facing back (guarding me..hehe..) and a ring of 5 years on middle finger..
13. [Pillow cover]: dark n light blue and white stripes
14. [Blanket]: blue too ;)
15. [Coffee cup]: dun drink coffee..
16. [Sunglasses]: gucci amber tint with 200/200 deg..
17. [Underwear]: ooh..erm...from elle and blush..
18. [Shoes]: slip ons or thongs!
19. [Handbag]: really small or really huge...hehe..
20. [Favorite top]: sleeveless!
21. [Favorite pants]: jeans only... or anything cotton..
22. [Cologne/Perfume]: personal blend! top secret! hehehe...
23. [CD in stereo right now]: diana krall, jewel, soundtrack of movie 'one fine day' (three in one disc thingie lah..)
24. [Tattoos]: nope..but if i will be something at my hip
25. [Piercings]: belly, one on each ear lobe..
26. [Wearing]: sleeveless and jeans :)
27. [Hair]: pass shoulder, rebonded and waiting for a good colour boost! hehe..
28. [Makeup]: foundation for sensitive skin, loose powder and blush..

WHAT/WHO (is/are)
29. [In my mouth]: er..the permernant braces on the insides of my front row teeth :]
30. [In my head]: school fees, lunch, weekend
31. [Wishing]: happiness and health
32. [After this]: ? err...log off?
33. [Talking to]: debs on icq! hehehe...
34. [Eating]: nothing yet *tummy growl*
35. [Do you like candles]: yup!
36. [Do you like hot wax]:
37. [Do you like incense]: the nice smelling kind..sure!
38. [Do you like the taste of blood]: err.. dont think so..
39. [Fetishes]: G: slippers, beads.. PG/ RA: not for the whole world to know! ahahaha..
40. [If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason]: gee..dont think i can man..
41. [Person you wish you could be with right now]: tavis..
42. [What/Who is next to you]: colleague..
43. [What do you want done with your body when you die]: cremated
44. [Do you believe in love]: yup :)
45. [Do you believe in soulmates]: erm.. yup
46. [Do you believe in love at first sight]: hmm..yup
47. [Do you believe in Heaven]: yes..
48. [Do you believe in forgiveness]: yes..
49. [Do you believe in God]: yes..
50. [What's something that you wish people would understand]: if everyone is nice..this world will be a better place..
51. [What's something you wish you could understand better]: how to be more assertive..
52. [What's one thing you want to make happen for tomorrow?]: get the book i want to read and stop procrastinating :))