Friday, November 29, 2002

did you see the really long rainbow this morning? it was not the half-rainbow i usually get to see but the the looong and wide kind! i could not even catch the whole thing on my camera so i just took as much of the arch as possible ;)
while taking the shot, people must have been wondering 'whaat is this girl doing' and before i realised, i had a few people behind me, admiring the really pretty rainbow ;)) quite funny actually..guess my habbit of looking into the sky every morning paid off today..what a nice way to start your day.


the other day i did something really strange.. i was standing in the mrt, facing the people seated when i noticed this lady sitting infront of me shielding her eyes from the terrible glare of the setting sun (shining from the large window behind me) i then moved my standing position to kinda block the rays from her.. strange huh?


caught harry potter yesterday and i quite enjoyed it ;D but d was right, it was a tad bit long and my butt was pancake by the end of the show ;P

i almost have half the collection of the harry potter lego figures! hehe.. yes..i do have a fascination of lego figures ;) no i am not 15..

Wednesday, November 27, 2002

went out for a cuppa last night after dinner with the usual suspects (valarie, denny, tavis and myself)
with all the be careful-where-you-hang-out lectures from my mum, we decided to go somewhere quiet and nice so the black cannyon was it.
not exactly a starbucks but i like the place :) it was quiet, with friendly staff and the ice-cream and oreo cheese cake was niiicceeee :P~

tavis ordered a cappuccino and it came with a tiny cute basket of fish shaped biscuits and a shot glass of, what we were told, chinese tea to wash down the after taste of the coffee.. interesting..


sudden craving for cookies.. anything sweet.. i think it has to do with the fact that i am really sleepy right now and need a good shot of sugar..

gimme gimme gimee..

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

there are more and more online tests available and there is even a site to do your very own..but the content and results are sometimes too strange or kinda silly.. hurhur..

the 'traits' of the below hamster is quite close to that of mine.. 'empathy' 'subject to depression' 'extremely sensitive' 'hyper at times' and can be 'shy and quite' too..

so what kinda of a hammie are you? hope your test turned out accurate too :]


was reading an article in the life section of the straits times last night. this guy was writing around the topic of gals and their specs.. he said that although most girls find it terribly unattractive to be caught in frames, men find them quite sexy ;)

*hand up* i admit i am a little cautions about wearing my specs last time.. making sure that my contact lenses are available 24/7 .. you'd never know when you need to whip them out for a last minute meet-the-parents session, girls night out or walk-the-dog morning! ahaha.. just kidding..i mean who needs to look their best when you are just having a simple meal with his parents.. ;)

but now, i have ditched the contacts and wear my specs whenever i need them..even as i am in the office, typing this right now 8)

but if you see me clubbing and i dont respond to your waves, its coz i left my glasses behind ..well..thats the only place i wont wear them to.. yet.. .. hee

Monday, November 25, 2002

comic potential? it was ok to say the least..

well actually after the show, my bf and i deduced that i can never be a critic of most things..
its not that i cant pinpoint faults when necessary, its just that i will go into other aspects of the thing/ situation to be able to judge on just one direction.
like 'but can you imagine the effort they took to memorise all that lines' or 'the number of rehersals they had to go to just to make the two hour performance almost flawless' will always come up so..

you be the judge of my 'ok' ;P

but it was sad to see only 1/3 of the auditorium filled :i can imagine how the performers feel....