Saturday, December 21, 2002

if you like him, this layout is for you ;)

Friday, December 20, 2002

i finally managed to upload my pics to my computer! muahahaha!

yes yes.. i am quite pleased with myself..especially after several unsucessful attempts of doing so :P

so... the next layout may be out pretty soon! maybe with a little pics sprinkled here and there.. *trying to be inspired*


was taking the air-con bus 74 this afternoon and was greeted with the most unpleasent smell .. someone was actually smoking in the bus! thankfully the bus driver did the right thing and told the person off. afterwhich, the kid (i really mean kid, he was like.. 15?) stomped down from the double deck, waved some finger angrily and got off..
so drama :P


got myself the cough bug... you and the rest of you all better take care of your health esp. this festive season where PaRtY is the thing to do :)
*takes anti-biotics*

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

and so i have been missing since saturday.. its not that i dont want to blog..its just that after i stopped working, i cant blog!
*sniff* no internet *sniff sniff*


monday was all-health-day!
i went to the polyclinic (to accompany my mum), the dentist (where i got a lecture from the dentist after a good polishing *shows off teeth*) and the family doctor (where my mum went to get some cream and me asking the nurse if they carry the much heard about skin care products from neostrata.. hehe.. a girl is normally a little vain rite?)
after all that, we went to suntec city to do some shopping and i gave my mum a treat at kenny rogers :D
by the end of the day, we were both pooped so we finally decided to trot home..


still waiting for my student visa to be approved :i *taps feet*

Sunday, December 15, 2002

double o was the hang out place for my friends and i yesterday.. i quite liked the bar area, near the pool tables, where it was quiet and of course, almost smoke free.. at least that was a potential place where one can have a decent conversation without yelling their lungs out ;P but we couldnt stay there as drinks were almost double (pun intended) the price compared to the bar at the dance area...
a known place for girls to hang out and for guys to "babe watch"? maybe.. but hey, all night spots are like that issnt is *looks at guys nodding* ahaha..


will be here on sunday so if you like animals come on down ;D


p/s: finally got to see the pic in juice.............. ........ ..... i looked terrible! *runs and hides*