Saturday, November 02, 2002

with thanks to charmane for the quiz

Which Avril Lavigne Song Are You?

the other day i was watching avril on mtv an thought that she was just another girl with attitude and makeup that could beat christina aguilera and britney spears combined..
but i am safe to say that shes not that kinda girl (at least not yet! ahaha..)

she reminds me of jewel..but with a whole lot of punk and more attitude :]
its a saturday! *jumps* the weather is looking fine today, not too sunny :]

have no idea what i am going to do this long weekend.. guess i might as well just bum around and maybe get some shopping done (for my school term of course niakniakniak..)

Friday, November 01, 2002

hung out with debs yesterday evening :] kinda helped her out to pick tops for her make over model today! but indecisive me could not really make any fantastic suggestions.. hurhur..
as we chatted at mcdonalds, i found out stuff about her and she about me! its like an episode of the discovery channel if you must say..hee.. wished we could meet up again today for a groupie group outing but have dinner appointment :P
maybe next week!


products worth a try*

talking about mascaras here is one that i have tried out and its pretty ok.

tried the waterproof one and it did not smudge after application (but takes about five seconds to dry so be patient) it did fulfill its 'full and soft' factor as lashes were not 'uncomfortable' or 'twig like' after use. may need two coats to achieve lash fullness. and apply with care as it clumps quite easily.better effects if use lash curler.
danced through the nite without any smudge problems :] after the party is over, just remember to use a good eye make up remover!

Thursday, October 31, 2002

went to spotlight yesterday to get some stuff, as everything was on 15% discount storewide. manage to get the precious moments cross stitch booklet i wanted and the floss (the coloured strings) to go along with it. though 15% is not much for one 70c floss, it sure makes a difference when i have to but over 20 colours! :0)
lugging my barang barang, i went to the cashier’s to pay up.
looking at the other long queues and noting that there was only one person before me to the cashier, i thought to myself ‘fantastic!’
when suddenly out of no where, this lady came up to me and says ‘i was infront of you just now, can I pay up for my things?’
so what do you do in a situation like this?
no i have not succumbed to the kiasu syndrome but it’s the people behind me that may not like the idea..
alas for once kay poh aunties (standing behind me) made things easier for me by replying and telling her its ok.
boy, were they to regret their decision. the lady not only bought a load of curtains (I suspect she is re-decorating the Isetan). to make matters more complicated, she forgot the PIN to her NETS card :P everyone had to wait for 45 minutes (no kidding) for her to try keying in invalid PINs over 10 times and finally deciding to pay cash (?!?!)
the cashier actually looked at me and rolled her eyes! ahaha..


was surfing blogs and found out that d's pebbles's blog is featured in cleo! hehe..

have yet to buy this month's cleo though.. trying to curb my addiction to magazines *scratch itchy hands*

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

have you ever dreamt of something the night before and have the same thing happen to you the next morning? not the usual routine but something out of the blue..

well it happened to me..


Tuesday, October 29, 2002

i have a strange habit of buying my magazines from street side stalls, from those aunties and uncles..
i figured that buying one magazine from them makes more of a difference than getting it from a big book store or some supermarket..


was watching mtv yesterday and caught a segment where they venture into celebrities homes to take a peek at their cove..lets just must have been a big blow for mariah carrey to suffer a breakdown when she has what seems like a eight star hotel for a home (only better.) and more...
with suede and satin for cushions, silk for pillows, bathroom with a huge bathtub and a shower area where she 'used only once' as there were 'too many knobs' to remember which is which :] a mermaid theme room <'}}>< ....
the list goes on..
but with so many awards on shelves, fan mail, clothes, shoes, make up, personal assistants..... she still cant be as happy as she wants to be.
well..being on the top usually means being alone..

Monday, October 28, 2002

from d's blog

take free enneagram test

ahaha..the truth revealed!

You desire love, for everyone to care for you. Impetus - deficit and/or excess of genuine care in your life experience. Problem - it is impossible to get everyone to care about you no matter what you do.

goodness..very accurate..

You desire peace, for everyone to get along. Impetus - deficit and/or excess of peace in your life experience. Problem - there is always a certain amount of conflict in the world and some level of it is healthy.

one of the most important things to me..

You desire loyalty, for people to stand by you. Impetus - deficit and/or excess of loyalty in your life experience. Problem - even among those close, rifts happen and loyalty based on need isn't entirely genuine.

the weekend came and went quite fast. whats new.

caught the red dragon on saturday. quite a good show, just that mr hopkins looked kinda tired of the role.. well, who can blame the man after acting as the same character in three movies..

watching his character evolve made me wonder can evil be that 'graceful'..?

Sunday, October 27, 2002

you know you are all grown up when you::

- dont understand what is the fascination about having that barbie doll or teddy bear..
- whip out cash/ card and buy whatever you want.. no pondering no fretting
- dont need to sulk, scream and use tears to get it your way
- stop giggling and teasing when a boy talks to your galfriend
- think about whether your underwear matches or not

was just thinking..some random thoughts..