Saturday, November 23, 2002

watching comic potential tonight

*whispers* i dont think its that high in demand as i bought tix very last minute and still managed to get good seats unlike the other play 'abuse suxx' ;P


today is run-around-and-try-to-do-as-much-paperwork day.
- we went to idp to get our visa application complete (finally)
- picked up his passport (the queue could make the weak hearted faint)
- met two buyers to sell his toys off (you see, my bf collects toys so he is now facing......liquidation! ahaha.. no lah.. he is just concentrating in his collection to more exclusive stuff, more on his toy collection next time :>)

ta da! did quite a few things so that wasnt so bad ;)


really eyeing this top from'll be good for the chilly weather at melb.! *excuse excuse*


Thursday, November 21, 2002

did anyone notice what a beautiful morning it was today? crisp air, fresh breeze, sun hiding behind a little white cloud.. what more can you ask for.. i am never a morning person but if everyday is this way, i'd think i'd surely be :]


the computers at work couldnt really function well so i had the other half of the day off. helped out a lady at the office to put up this little christmas tree.. it was really little, as in half my height, and was very twig like.. but with all the little golden bells, bows and all that shiny stuff, the tree was transformed! hehe.. *pats back*
decorating all that really puts you in the mood for christmas..

been humming christmas songs in the shower for the past few days.. hehe.. so whats your favourite christmas song?

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

this is quite a compliment..but hey..i could be the 187, 576th person who has been handed this name card..ahaha..


my fever has gone down much and i am feelin quite ok.. lets hope the weather does not get too fancy, too much :P


My Bloginality is INFP!

i thought this test had another name? hmm.. oh well..

Tuesday, November 19, 2002

the hot-cold-rain-sun weather finally took its toll on me.. i have not been feeling well for the past few days so no computer or online stuff for me..

well, the mini time off did give me some time do the stuff i like..half complete my cross stitching masterpieces, clearing up my room, listening to the radio all day...

heard his new song.. all i can say is.. hmmmm....